So far, I've written 4 articles on my blog. Use the search below to filter by title.
Open Neovim From Your Browser - Integrating nvim with Svelte’s Inspector
Integrating Svelte's Inspector with Neovim allows you to simply click on components in your browser to edit their source code.
15 minutes
3 ♥
Theo Got It Wrong or: What Car is Your JavaScript Stack?
A rebuttal of Theo's take on RSC being a less risky bet than SvelteKit.
5 minutes
16 ♥
Debugging JavaScript Frameworks in Neovim
A guide on how to setup debugging for JavaScript projects in neovim. Learn how to debug svelte, react or vue without having to leave your editor.
15 minutes
17 ♥
Using Volar's Takeover mode in Neovim's Native LSP Client
A guide on how to setup neovim to enable Volar's takeover mode to allow vscode like type checking of vue projects in nvim
5 minutes
10 ♥